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24/7 Quality Control

Managing quality control is a 24/7 job. It is easy to think that managing quality is all about making sure the right product, with the right label, ingredients, color, etc. is packaged and shipped. But it is more than that. Quality control is also about instilling team pride. Every team member needs to feel proud of the job they are doing, the customer they are working for and the product they are making. If they don’t feel pride, quality inevitably declines.

As a company we have to manage quality and personal job pride on a daily basis. In order to achieve high quality and high levels of job satisfaction, we try and reward the team when they do the right thing and hold them accountable for when they don’t. Mistakes happen in every job function, as no-one is perfect, but continuous mistakes mean lack of initiative, lack of pride and most important, dissatisfaction in the job itself. At Eagle, we try and make sure that everyone feels they are doing a job that is worthwhile. The management team meets daily with Production Supervisors, training is held frequently and continuously and most critically, the lines of communication to management are open and direct. When our customers receive a quality product, we want them to know it’s made with pride.


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