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Changes To Labeling Laws

Over the next year or so, the FDA is requiring changes to nutrition panels. For larger companies with a bevy of techs able to assist in converting labels this may not be such a burden. But for smaller companies, this is feat to accomplish (at least it feels like it). What are the some of the highlights of the changes? Here they are:

  1. Requiring the declaration of “Added Sugars” on the label

  2. Removing the requirement for declaring “Calories from fat.”

  3. Revising the nutrients of public health significance that must be declared on the label.

  4. Revised Daily Values for certain nutrients that are either mandatory or voluntary on the label.

There’s also a new design, updates to the serving requirements and a host of other changes. At Eagle Beverage, we have been busy starting the conversion process and evaluating all the major ingredients to ensure that they are in compliance with the new labeling laws. Our private label customers will start feeling the effects as we start rolling out new Specification Documents and asking for changes to current label designs.

If you are considering a new private label program, make sure to ask your supplier (hopefully Eagle) what will need to be done to print the Nutrition Fact Panel within the guidelines, so as to save yourself the extra cost down the road.

For further information regarding the Nutritional Labeling changes, please click here.


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