As we wind down the year and look back, it was definitely a year fraught with twists and turns. Could anyone have imaged 2016 would have brought us Brexit or Trump? Or taken away such larger than life pop culture influencers like Prince, Bowie, Za Za or Muhammad Ali? It has been all rather dreamlike and I’m not sure when we will wake up.
At Eagle, though, we would take this opportunity to say thank you to all our team members. You have worked tirelessly, silently and even though we don’t always have the chance to stop and talk, we want you to know how much we appreciate your commitment to the company, the pride you bring with every box and case you package and in every shipment that leaves our door. Our team is, and always will be, the heart and soul of this company.
The volatile events of this year have occasioned concern and confusion among our team regarding their place in the United States. As a company, we do not define anyone based on religion, ethnicity, country of origin, gender or other life choices. We hope we will always have a peaceful union, one that we can perfect together, as a culture, community and civic society. It is our shared responsibility to work together and support each other. We wish everyone a happy, safe, peaceful and wondrous holiday season!